How Well Do You Know Your Auto Insurance Coverage? Let’s face it, unless insurance is your business you may not be the one-stop expert on questions relating to coverage. For those of us who aren’t experts — say a personal injury and liability attorney, perhaps — our...
Providing The Assertive Representation You Deserve
Month: September 2018
Construction Safety: 4 Tips for Personal Protective Equipment Use
The construction site can be a dangerous place. Now that probably does not come as a surprise to you; after all, there are a number of factors that contribute to construction safety risks on the job site. However despite awareness of potential risks, many involved in...
Florida Still Reeling From Property Damage Post-Hurricane Irma
Post-Irma Aftermath It has been one year since Hurricane Irma hit Florida, causing a devastating blow to homes and properties especially throughout south and southwest Florida. For many, Irma’s effects are still being felt. And it’s not just home and business owners...
What You Need to Know About Bug-Borne Illnesses
If bugs creep you out, you’re not going to like what you read next… According to a new Center for Disease Control report, the number of Americans infected by bug-borne illnesses has more than tripled over the last decade. That’s pretty scary stuff,...